La filosofia architettonica

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11 mars 2016

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Petar Bojanić et al., « La filosofia architettonica », Rivista di estetica, ID : 10.4000/estetica.427


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Gli autori intendono proporre le premesse necessarie al chiarimento del rapporto, incerto e da sempre dibattuto, che lega architettura e filosofia attraverso il riferimento al concetto di “Filosofia architettonica” proposto da Peter Eisenman. Una prima premessa riguarda le varie tipologie di approccio alla filosofia riscontrabili nel campo dell’architettura, fino a delineare una forma di consapevolezza filosofica nell’architettura contemporanea. La seconda premessa riguarda la possibilità di spiegare il rapporto tra filosofia e architettura attraverso i casi di collaborazione concreta tra architetti e filosofi.

This paper is the result of collaborative work and joint construction. Our intention is to explain the utterly uncertain and always debatable connection between architecture and philosophy. Namely, this is an elucidation of the reconstruction of the connection between philosophy or theory on the one hand, and architecture on the other, by making reference and explaining “The Architectural Philosophy” (Eisenman’s concept), thereby introducing a few premises that would regulate the status and form of the copula “and” between these respective fields. The first premise could regard the various kinds of inspiration that philosophy or theory has produced in the field of architecture, or even the results of various encounters and dialogues between philosophers and architects. Indeed, today the philosopher is awakened in the architect. On the other hand, it seems to us, and this is our second premise, that it is indeed possible to explain the uncertainty of the encounter between an architect and a philosopher through the example of their collaboration or exchange.

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