November 23, 2018
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Myriam Ponge, « Une ponctuation fantasmée (hantée par l’oral) : des signes imparfaits aux signes rêvés … », Linx, ID : 10.4000/linx.1953
This study aims to examine the prevailing representations that mould the “Linguistic Imaginary” (Houdebine) of French and Spanish punctuations: it is based on an analysis of secular criticisms of the punctuation system and the examination of discourses and proposals for adding new punctuation marks. Beyond the singularity of the analysed projects (between the search for an ideal system of transcription and the search for exploration of figurative potentialities: ideographic, pictographic notations), the study shows the ascendency of some representations and demonstrates that oral references are still included in most of discourses and innovative practices of the 20-21th centuries.