April 8, 2020
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Christine Barats et al., « Ce que les données textuelles disent du pétitionnement en ligne : entre contraintes et appropriations du dispositif », Questions de communication, ID : 10.4000/questionsdecommunication.21042
This paper studies online petitioning through the analysis of data from lapetition.be website namely more than 12,000 petitions having gathered 3.25 million signatures. The textual heterogeneity of the collected data has been understood both as traces of the device constraints and traces of device appropriation. This heterogeneity is also characteristics of the act of petitioning and its plurality. The analysis of petitions’ texts reveals significant characteristics (form of address, lexical field, enunciation) and the analysis of petitions’ comments reveals the diversity of motives that leads to sign a petition and brings to light the plurality of the act of petitioning.