September 30, 2013
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Marc Lits et al., « Les universités belges entre concurrence et excellence », Questions de communication, ID : 10.4000/questionsdecommunication.8447
Universities were often described as an “organised anarchy”, their rules as well as their processes are cumbersome, and their management assumed by a large number of persons, on a participative mode, with a will of strong autonomy bound to the notion of academic freedom. This ineffective model is particularly put in a difficult position when the competitions brought by the globalization, the logics of external evaluation, the massification of education, the need for results in research increase the pressure on all the categories of staff and make them insecure. If the Belgian organisational frame is rather different from France, a number of knots are the same: public financing in decrease, race in the international rankings, relations with the business world, internationalisation of a cutting-edge research, students transformed into customers. It is thus urgent to define priorities and to establish strategies of repositioning.