November 14, 2019
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Simona Munari, « Sous le signe de l’interférence. Les classiques de la littérature française dans la collection Einaudi « Scrittori tradotti da scrittori » », Revue italienne d’études françaises, ID : 10.4000/rief.4872
This paper proposes to analyse several literary figures confronted with translational practice within the framework of the Einaudi collection’s «Scrittori tradotti da scrittori» (1983-2000). The aim of this collection was to give new momentum to literary classics by rediscovering novel points of view, which – according to Giulio Einaudi – author-translators were better equipped to discover and let emerge. This reflection presents itself as a laboratory in several ways: its study allows one to verify the hypothesis of a high degree of contamination among translation, rewriting and interpretive essay, to analyse the effective impact of translation on writing in authors who, in a paratextual context, admit to creative interferences in their work, and to evaluate editorial strategies about the choice of titles and translators.