December 7, 2021
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Bérengère Voisin, « Christophe Ono-dit-Biot et Adel Abdessemed dans Nuit espagnole », Socio-anthropologie, ID : 10.4000/socio-anthropologie.10630
This article proposes to report on a device implemented within the framework of a collection entitled Ma nuit au musée (My Night at the Museum) directed by Alina Gurdiel at Stock Editions. The objective of this collection is to restore in a book a reception experience that breaks with the usual practices: an artist spends a night alone or almost confined in the Picasso Museum in Paris.Based on Alina Gurdiel’s proposal, two institutions, one a museum, the Picasso Museum, and the other a publishing house, Stock Editions, organized in consultation not only the device of an atypical emotional experience, but also thought of the narration and dissemination of the latter. The two institutions assuming de facto at the same time the functions of stimuli, recording and diffusion of these nocturnal turbulences.We will be particularly interested in Nuit espagnole (2019) by Adel Abdessemed and Christophe Ono-dit-Biot, notably because of the nature of Adel Abdessemed’s artistic work, known for his often extreme works. We will consider here the way in which emotions are encouraged, the role of the device put in place in the manufacture of the expected disturbance, and then we will question the value and authenticity of this museum experience with regard to what Eva Illouz calls emodities, emotional goods.