December 30, 2015
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Gabriel Segré, « Écouter les fans écouter », Volume !, ID : 10.4000/volume.3707
Elvis’s fans listen a lot and often to the singer’s albums, which offer them great pleasure and an intense emotion. To explain this emotion and the consequences and effects of this listening, it is necessary to analyse it as a performance, the product of an initiation, a construction of the self as listener, and to tie it to a whole set of representations of the music, its performer and of the self as a fan. We must also shed light on the listening contexts, the listeners’ uses and intentions. This paper wishes to understand what fans do with Presley’s music, as well as what it does to them, and thus to construe the act of listening as a performance and a history, that engages the body, the heart, the spirit, the senses and all the dimensions of the fan’s existence.