December 6, 2018
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Gabriel Segré, « Olivia Ruiz. Les récits d’une ascension », Volume !, ID : 10.4000/volume.6089
Olivia Ruiz is a singer from reality TV who is now recognized as a leading artist of the French underground scene. In this article, I undertake the analysis of the narratives (comments, testimonies, song lyrics, biographies and autobiographies, documentaries) made of this ascent and of these successive passages (from reality TV to the underground scene, from anonymity to the star system, from a “commercial product” to a “singer that focuses on lyrics”). I highlight, through the particular case of Olivia Ruiz, the multiple definitional conflicts of authenticity, struggles of classification, reputation building, strategies of distinction and conflicts of legitimacy, observable in both actions and speeches, about oneself and others, and which reveal a space of struggle, made up of a plurality of artistic territories, prioritized, valued, disqualified, structured around a “commercial” pole (majors, television) and a “pure art” pole creative, avant-garde (in this case protest song, underground rock).