Database and R script relative to "Spatial patterns of causality in temperate silvopastoral systems: a perspectives on nitrification stability in response to flooding" by Mettauer et al. (accepted)

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27 août 2024

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Romane Mettauer et al., « Database and R script relative to "Spatial patterns of causality in temperate silvopastoral systems: a perspectives on nitrification stability in response to flooding" by Mettauer et al. (accepted) », Recherche Data Gouv, ID : 10.57745/ZNUPPX


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This database and this script are linked to the article “Spatial patterns of causality in temperate silvopastoral systems: a perspective on nitrification stability in response to flooding” by Mettauer et al. (accepted). It is composed of one csv file with the database where dot is used as decimal and one pdf presenting the R script used to analyze the data.

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