April 19, 2020
« Soundpostcards from Lisbon in Times of COVID-19 Confinement* », CONFINARIA, ID : 10.58079/n27p
por Iñigo Sánchez , investigador do INET-md (NOVA FCSH) [embed]https://youtu.be/N-McCBegugc [embed]https://youtu.be/G2suIvIW_So [embed]https://youtu.be/R2vEqUUrGDk [embed]https://youtu.be/oFSUmsMjccY The restrictions imposed during the COVID-19 crisis on our everyday life has changed the way we perceive and experience our urban sound environment. The confinement measures to stop the transmission of the virus have created the conditions for a new atonement with our surrounding urban environm...