November 20, 2016
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Alexander Ananyev, « Katja Doose, Marc Elie und Laurent Coumel bei Panel der ASEEES Convention in Washington », EcoGlobReg, ID : 10.58079/o0q9
Dr. Marc Elie, Dr. Laurent Coumel und Katja Doose nahmen am 20. November 2016 an dem Panel Globalizing the Soviet Environment: East-West Circulations of Knowledge and Expertise on Nature, 1957-1991 der ASEEES (Association for Slavic, East European and Eurasian Studies) Convention in Washington teil. Das Panel leitete Dr. Alan Roe (William and Mary College). Dr. Laurent Coumel hielt einen Vortrag über "How is this Problem Solved Abroad?" Drawing on Capitalist Experience to Foster Technocratic...