14 avril 2014
Ce document est lié à :
Thomas Lacroix, « Lancement du programme Ecotones et du réseau " 3 Guyanes" (3G) », La recherche à Migrinter, ID : 10.58079/rfmd
EMMA (Etudes Montpelliéraines du Monde Anglophone, Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier, France) in partnership with Coastal Carolina University (SC, USA) and MIGRINTER (CNRS-UMR Poitiers, France) is setting up a five year program Ecotones: Encounters, Crossings, and Communities 2015-19 An "ecotone" is a transitional area between two or more distinct ecological communities, for instance the zone between field and forest, mountain and ocean, or between sea and land. The two ecosystems may b...