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Revue des sciences de l'eau ; vol. 22 no. 3 (2009)
Tous droits réservés © Revue des sciences de l'eau, 2009
Kaïs Jedidi et al., « Identification de zones pluviométriques homogènes d’un bassin versant à partir de l’information topographique », Revue des sciences de l’eau / Journal of Water Science, ID : 10.7202/037777ar
The identification of homogeneous rainfall zones, on the basis of topographic information, consists of subdividing the area of a watershed into homogeneous climate zones. These regions are identified by integrating external information that is well correlated with rainfall, namely the relief. The climate is characterized by the average and standard deviation of monthly rainfall. In the present study, a relationship between these statistics and explanatory variables linked to the topography, was modelled using multiple linear regression. These variables constitute topographic attributes that are adopted as support for the classification of watersheds into homogeneous zones and may be the preliminary step in the optimisation of rainfall networks.