Planification des ressources humaines dans la fonction publique fédérale





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Relations industrielles ; vol. 45 no. 3 (1990)




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Thierry Wils et al., « Planification des ressources humaines dans la fonction publique fédérale », Relations industrielles / Industrial Relations, ID : 10.7202/050606ar


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Abstract Fr En

La planification des ressources humaines en tant que nouveau style de gestion des ressources humaines est en train d'émerger dans le secteur privé. La présente étude montre qu'elle commence également à apparaître dans le secteur public. À partir d'une enquête par entrevue (n = 11) et par questionnaire (n = 76), cette recherche indique que la planification des ressources humaines a fait son apparition dans certaines parties de la fonction publique fédérale.

Human resource planning (HRP) as a new aspect of human resource (HR) management is emerging in the private sector. This research shows that HRP is also emerging in the public sector. Based on a pilot study (11 interviews) and a questionnaire survey (n = 76), this study found that HRP is emerging in some parts of the Federal public sector. Two results are of particular interest. First, when data on the 15 HRP activities to which HR planners spent most of their time are analyzed, the results indicate that HR planners tend to allocate more time to operational and administrative HRP activities (e.g., problem solving, managing the HRP function) than to strategie and forecasting activities (e.g., anticipating change and staffing forecasting). No significant differences were found among the four categories of HR planners (HRP specialist, HR professional, HR generalist, line manager involved in HRP). However, when the study focuses on HRP activities which do not absorb most of HR planners' time the results show that HR specialists, in comparison to HR generalists, tend to allocate relatively more time to specialized HRP activities (analysis, promotion of HRP) and relatively less to basic HR management tasks.

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