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Management international ; vol. 25 (2021)
© Management international / International Management / Gestión Internacional, 2022
Albert David et al., « Travailler en mode middleground : collectifs créatifs et institutions intermédiaires », Management international / International Management / Gestiòn Internacional, ID : 10.7202/1088142ar
Middlegrounds allow essential interactions between the innovation needs of upperground institutions and the creative productions of underground actors. We explore the hypothesis that these entities are at the heart of a broader institutional creation dynamic. We articulate, on four case studies, the concepts of middleground (Simon, 2009), intermediary institution (Sainsaulieu, 2001), idea of work and person-institution (Hauriou, 1925) and conflict (Simmel, 1908). The case studies reveal sophisticated articulations between middlegrounds, uppergrounds and undergrounds and show that “working n middleground mode” could constitute one of the necessary betweennesses in the current transformations of our societies.