Patrice Galle, « Ce que disent des collégiens sourds ou malentendants et leurs parents sur le déroulement de la scolarité », Spirale - Revue de recherches en éducation, ID : 10670/1.6wupqc
This article presents research on the representations of the deaf or hearing-impaired children and their parents on how schooling works. In two different temporalities, adolescents develop representations of their schooling based on feelings experienced in the immediate future, while those of parents, enrolled in a broader temporality, highlight the difficulties encountered and the efforts to be made for the success of the schooling project. Expressing the need to be present and available, some parents develop many strategies to ensure the coherence of their child’s project. Deafness is certainly a marker of adolescence that will, for example, determine the relationships of hearing impairred students with their peers, yet the behaviours and concerns noted do not differ from other adolescents.