Sonia Ben Slimane et al., « Investissements directs étrangers et capacité d’absorption nationale : les leviers de croissance des économies du Maghreb », Marché et organisations, ID : 10670/1.cpib3u
Following a macroeconomic approach of technological catch-up, the objective of this article is to investigate the relationship between economic growth, education, exports and Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in three Maghreb countries. Using parametric and non-parametric statistical techniques, we highlight a number of correlation links between the studied variables. A positive and significant relationship between growth and FDI is observed only for Algeria. A weak relationship between absorptive capacity and FDI characterizes the three Maghreb economies. However, there is a positive correlation between exports and FDI for the three countries ; nevertheless, its dynamics remains significant in the medium run only for Algeria and Tunisia.