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Marc Catsaras, « Évolution du taux de sous-évaluation des toxi-infections alimentaires collectives (T.I.A.C.) en France depuis 1992 », Bulletin de l'Académie Vétérinaire de France, ID : 10.4267/2042/63864
Evolution of under-evaluation rate for collective food-poisonings in France since 1992. The number of patients detected in France in case of collective food-poisonings is passed, in some years because significant improvements for data collection, by different rates : 4,000 in 1985, 6,000 in 1987, 10000 in 1989 and 12000 in 1992. The under-evaluation rate was estimated 80% for 12,000 detected patients, on the basis of 1988 CATSARAS hypothesis, and was quite stable at this level in 1993 and 1994. New progress for data collection, less important than previously, are possible, and therefore the 80% rate can be ameliorated.