Laurent Dalmas et al., « L’évaluation économique du patrimoine urbain et ses enjeux : une approche par la soutenabilité », Revue d’Économie Régionale & Urbaine, ID : 10670/1.xegjf1
The stakes of economic evaluation of urban heritages: a sustainability-based approach Precisely evaluating the economic value of a multidimensional urban heritage concerned by valorization projects represents a crucial stake, especially in developing countries where this evaluation is constrained by the lack of access to essential data. Facing the limits of the economic analysis’s standards tools, often unable to take into account the total economic value of an heritage, we are proposing here an operational analysis grid based on a methodology using the notions of “weak” and “strong” sustainability and the “genuine savings” concept. Investments and degradation flows in four distinctive dimensions, using miscellaneous monetary and non-monetary indicators, can be balanced through a “sustainability diagram”. We then highlight the possible evolution of the Island of Saint-Louis in Senegal’s urban heritage’s sustainability when it faces rehabilitation or renovation projects, focusing on thresholds’ effects and risks of non sustainability.