Cross-cultural adaptation of a tool for measuring nurses’ opinions and beliefs with regard to continuing professional development: French-Canadian version of Q-PDN

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Annie Perron et al., « Cross-cultural adaptation of a tool for measuring nurses’ opinions and beliefs with regard to continuing professional development: French-Canadian version of Q-PDN », Recherche en soins infirmiers, ID : 10670/1.09z8cx


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Introduction: The continuing professional development of nurses remains a key issue within the health context.Context: The Questionnaire - Professional Development Nurses (Q-PDN) was developed to understand the opinions and beliefs of nurses regarding continuing professional development is essential to improving the quality of care and optimizing job satisfaction. With this in mind, researchers from the Netherlands developed the Questionnaire – Professional Development Nurses (Q-PDN).Objectives: Adapt the Q-PDN to a French-Canadian context according to recognized guidelines.Method: The six stages of the Beaton et al. (2000) cross-cultural adaptation process were followed to produce a tool adapted to the French-Canadian context.Results and discussion: This study describes the different steps necessary for the cross-cultural adaptation of the Q-PDN tool to the French-Canadian context. Following the adaptation, minor content adjustments were made to the original version. General comments have highlighted the clarity and simplicity of the questionnaire.Conclusion: This first step in the cross-cultural French-Canadian adaptation of Q-PDN has enabled the development of a tool to identify gaps and priorities for action to promote the continuing professional development (CPD) of nurses.

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