Patrick Bazin, « Les effets du changement climatique : quelle adaptation pour les territoires littoraux ? », Annales des Mines - Responsabilité & environnement, ID : 10670/1.0ce647...
The coastline is a moving environment subject to the considerable forces of the sea, wind and coastal rivers. Over the centuries, Man has sought to control these natural dynamics and to fix the shores. Today, the logic is reversed : with the gradual rise in sea level, coastal management can no longer rely entirely on the rigid defense of the coastline.Faced with uncertainties, a new engineering of the management of coastal territories is emerging, which must integrate different disciplines in terms of expertise, different strategies over time and reinvented governance.The considerations developed in this article come mainly from the lessons learned from the Adapto project conducted by the Conservatoire du littoral since 2018. They concern above all the less urbanized coastal sectors. Some of them can be applied to more developed and inhabited sectors, but the stakes involved are not comparable and transposition is therefore not self-evident.