Loïs Bastide, « Les nouvelles migrations de travail en Asie du Sud-Est insulaire : du commerce transnational de la main-d’œuvre entre l’Indonésie, la Malaisie et Singapour », Hérodote, ID : 10670/1.0d39a6...
In this article, we look into the political economy of transnational labor migrations between less developed countries and high-growth regions, in Southeast Asia. Through a focus on Indonesian migrations toward Malaysia and Singapore, we aim to show that these mobilities function as a resource for all involved countries : mostly, they allow the three states to reconcile otherwise divergent economic and political goals, tightly related to their respective development options. Moreover, these migrations contribute to stimulating regional economic growth by balancing economic and demographic resources across countries. Eventually, we will show that, conversely, these labor flows also create specific constraints on public action as they fuel tensions on different scales : within involved countries, regarding bilateral relations, and on the international stage.