“There’s no Racism in Canada, but...”. The Canadian Experience and Labor Integration of the Mexican Creative Class in Toronto

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Jesús Javier Peña Muñoz, « “There’s no Racism in Canada, but...”. The Canadian Experience and Labor Integration of the Mexican Creative Class in Toronto », Migraciones Internacionales, ID : 10670/1.11fd8i


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"This article deals with the issue of the incorporation of Mexican skilled migrants into Toronto’s labor market. The author presents and applies the concept of “cre - ative class” to define the kind of skilled migration he is referring to. The article’s aim is to show what the discourse of the Canadian experience is and how it influ - ences labor integration from the point of view of the subjectivity of qualified Mexi - can migrants. The author proposes that the Canadian experience reveals practices of marginalization in access to Toronto’s labor market that are produced and re - produced as part of a discourse that insists that “there’s no racism in Canada.”"

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