The Influence of Different Types of Social Support in Caregivers of People with Dementia

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1 décembre 2022

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Paula Antelo Ameijeiras et al., « The Influence of Different Types of Social Support in Caregivers of People with Dementia », International Journal of Psychological Research, ID : 10670/1.156krl


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Being a caregiver for a person with dementia has negative health consequences, like depression, stress, anxiety, and burden. Consequently, it is important that caregivers receive social support and social resources during the trajectory of the disease. This study analyzes how different types of social resources impact caregivers’ well-being. A cross-sectional sample of 260 caregivers was divided into groups, depending on the social resources they had access to. Namely, social media (N = 157), day-care centers (N = 40) or residential centers (N = 63). Social support, isolation, burden, coping strategies, and satisfaction measures were administered to participants, and groups were compared using ANOVA and SEM models. Help-seeking and social support received through social resources predicted satisfaction and caregivers’ burden. Formal resources positively influence care providers and their absence diminishes the impact of social support on perceived burden. This research reflects the importance of formal resources in the lives of caregivers and the benefits they generate throughout the course of the pathology. Supporting caregivers and bringing the social resources closer to them indirectly improves the informal response offered to people with dementia.

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