“What is very important for us is to see there is willingness to help us” – Gulistan Sido from the University of Rojava

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4 septembre 2020

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endangeredhumanities, « “What is very important for us is to see there is willingness to help us” – Gulistan Sido from the University of Rojava », Endangered Humanities, ID : 10670/1.29ho36


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"The University of Rojava recently launched an appeal for support to universities and academics around the world. RIC interviewed Gulistan Sido, responsible for external relations at the University of Rojava, to learn more about its history, its future projects and about the challenges the university is currently facing." An interview of our colleague Gulistan Sido: https://rojavainformationcenter.com/2020/09/what-is-very-important-for-us-is-to-see-there-is-willingness-to-help-us-gulistan-sid...

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