Caroline Caron, « Global phenomenon, local experience. What the experiences of Quebec women reveal about cyberviolence », Nouvelles Questions Féministes, ID : 10670/1.2c2jwb
Cyberviolence against women is a global concern, but most of the existing research focuses on extreme cases of cyberharassment and rarely includes non-English speaking populations. This article analyzes the experiences and perceptions of Francophone women (n = 31) collected in Quebec through semi-structured interviews and focus groups. The concepts of mediated relational space and gendered cyber incivilities underpin the multiplicity of reported sex-specific incidents. These are part of a continuum of violence, and illustrate gendered dynamics in online interactions: male intrusions into women’s personal space, often in the form of sexual harassment, sexist incivilities, denial of access to spaces under the exclusive monopoly of men. While most research participants do not perceive the social web as hostile to women, it is different for feminists who have been exposed to more incidents and hostility. Further research is needed to better understand what these contrasted subjective experiences reveal about gender relations on the Internet.