Spanish burnout inventory: A meta-analysis based approach

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Héctor Mauricio Serna Gómez et al., « Spanish burnout inventory: A meta-analysis based approach », Contaduría y Administración, ID : 10670/1.2k1r2p


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"This study provides a systematic review of some of the psychometric properties of the Spanish Burnout Inventory (SBI). A systematic review of the literature yielded 37 original studies, from which 12 articles that met the required statistical and analysis parameters were selected and reviewed. The analysis considered a test of 95% estimated reliability on each of the principal statistical components: mean, standard deviation, item and factor skewness, and Cronbach’s alpha for each dimension when the item is deleted. The main recommendation for future studies is to evaluate the skewness levels in each item of the SBI to select the best estimation method for the Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA). We conclude that the fundamental structures presented in the theoretical sections were validated, and overall, the results indicate that the SBI possesses adequate psychometric properties for the study of Burnout."

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