Public authorities in the Cameroon CCM: strategic over-representation (eng)

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10 octobre 2019

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William TCHUINKAM, « Public authorities in the Cameroon CCM: strategic over-representation (eng) », Face à face, ID : 10670/1.3hbsx8


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Executive SummaryThe Cameroon CCM, like all the others, is the product of a singular history whose restitution of the conditions of birth and the trajectory of institutionalization informs its current functioning. The Global Fund's Country Coordinating Mechanism in Cameroon is, in an emblematic way, the prism through which the Cameroonian State understands its place and role in general and implements the ethos of central government control over public action. Within this body, public authorities mechanically use the international multi-sector directive to be the most numerous on paper. Paradoxically, over time, their number reflects a virtual presence whose chronology of the CCM makes it possible to explain, between expectations of the past that are today's illusions in the context of a procedural and managerial framework operated by the Fund. This article is based on the hypothesis of "path dependency" in the creation of this CCM marked by government control.

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