A dieta ayurvédica e a consulta de enfermagem: uma proposta de cuidado

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Patricia De Gasperi et al., « A dieta ayurvédica e a consulta de enfermagem: uma proposta de cuidado », Ciência & Saúde Coletiva, ID : 10670/1.3z0met


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"The present text is based on the finalpaper on a subject from the graduate program ofthe Federal University of Santa Catarina. In thispaper, I propose the implementation of nursingconsultations providing ayurvedic dietary adviceas part of the services offered in Primary CareUnits for assisting patients with diabetes mellitusand high blood pressure. For a better understanding,I bring a brief revision on both ayurvedamedicine and diet, emphasizing the importanceof balance and harmony of the doshas for maintainingor reaching a good quality of living. I believethat through the ayurveda diet we nursescan contribute to the health of our patients offeringsomething we all need, a correct diet accordingto our nutritional biotype. Another positiveresult that can be anticipated from practicing thisphilosophical and methodological proposal lies inthe relationship we establish with other persons,in knowing the characteristics of their doshas,because it is this knowledge that enables us to aidpeople in their conquests and defeats."

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