HALSHS : archive ouverte en Sciences de l’Homme et de la Société - notices sans texte intégral
Claudio Vitari et al., « The Roles of the Antecedents in the emergence of a Dynamic Capability: the case of Born Digital Data capability », HALSHS : archive ouverte en Sciences de l’Homme et de la Société - notices sans texte intégral, ID : 10670/1.4b6a9a...
Explaining variations in competitive advantage across organizations remains a persistent question for strategic management and organizations scholars. We empirically contribute to this explanation through an understanding of the different influences of the antecedents of dynamic capabilities (DCs), organizational processes, firm history, and firm assets, in the case of Born Digital Data (BDD) Capability. We define a BDD as the real-time inception in digital form of an informational representation of an entity state or event. BDD is an emerging phenomenon on which IT-dependent initiatives and DC can create new competitive opportunities. We contribute to the literature on DC antecedents in high-velocity markets by evaluating DC antecedents' influence on DC in IT-dependent initiatives in the case of BDD. Finally, we highlight the influence of BDD initiatives and BDD Capability on its output in terms of digital data accessibility. Our results show the different influences of the antecedents. The organizational processes of sensing, integrating, and coordinating the firm's history with its assets support BDD initiatives. The organizational processes of learning, sensing, coordinating, and integrating strengthen the BDD capability. Finally, BDD initiatives and BDD capability improve the accessibility of digital data.