Maryvonne Brasme et al., « La Vie de sainte Eusébie de Hamage (Nord) », Revue du Nord, ID : 10670/1.519a58...
The Life of Saint Eusebia of Hamage (North)The monastery of Hamage (in northern France) was excavated by the Douai archaeological service between 1991 and 2002. The excavations confirmed that a monastic community of nuns existed from the seventh to the nineth century, after which the monastery was abandoned in the tenth and eleventh centuries. Among the written sources of the history of Hamage, the Life of Saint Eusebia has an important place. Probably written by a monk of Saint-Amand around the year 1000, it drew from the Life of Saint Rictrude of Marchiennes (Eusebia’s mother), composed by the monk Hucbald of Saint-Amand in the early tenth century. It contains some new information on the cult of Saint Eusebia. It also represents an interesting example of the transmission of Latin culture at the dawn of the eleventh century. The article offers a French translation of the Life.