November 12, 2021
This document is linked to :
Nathalie Buchez et al., « À LA DÉCOUVERTE D’UNE PRÉHISTOIRE IGNORÉE. », HALSHS : archive ouverte en Sciences de l’Homme et de la Société, ID : 10.2307/j.ctv27vt5ft.15
The techniques used for making pots are part of the traditions of a social group. Forthis reason, they are representative of its identity and are very stable over time, unlikethe shapes and decorations of pots, which change in response to user demand. Thus, theidentification of the chaînes opératoires used by Predynastic potters of the Bouto andNaqada period contributes in a particularly relevant way to characterise the culturalevolutions that took place during the second half of the 4th millennium BCE, andthereby, the nature of mobilities. This is also relevant in the case of analysing the dispersionof technical methods for mudbrick architectural building. The aim of this paper isto highlight the high potential of this approach.