Mobilidade social intergeracional e saúde no Brasil: uma análise do survey “Pesquisa dimensões sociais das desigualdades (PDSD)”, 2008

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Luisa Sorio Flor et al., « Mobilidade social intergeracional e saúde no Brasil: uma análise do survey “Pesquisa dimensões sociais das desigualdades (PDSD)”, 2008 », Ciência & Saúde Coletiva, ID : 10670/1.5bk8yu


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"Although most studies consider health to be the result of social and economic insertion of the individuals, health may be considered a deter- mining factor of the social opportunities achieved, especially with respect to chances of social mobil- ity. The scope of this article is to understand the magnitude of the concurrent associations that so- ciodemographic, health and quality of life condi- tions (SF-36) exercise on chances of intergenera- tional social mobility on a probability sample of Brazilian homes in 2008. Social mobility was de- termined by the transition between occupational groups, which were defined using the Ganzeboom scale. Sociodemographic, health and quality of life features were associated with upward social mo- bility through logistic regression. A high level of schooling was the main determinant of chances of intergenerational social mobility. Women and youngsters ascended more intergenerationally. A positive association was observed between self as- sessment of health, physical health scores and up- ward mobility. Social mobility has become estab- lished as a multideterminate event. Physical health and perceived health were capable of influencing social transitions."

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