Polysemous Adverbial Conjunctions in Biblical Hebrew: An Application of Diachronic Semantic Maps

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16 septembre 2021


OpenEdition Books




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Christian Locatell, « Polysemous Adverbial Conjunctions in Biblical Hebrew: An Application of Diachronic Semantic Maps », Open Book Publishers, ID : 10670/1.5kzge2


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Adverbial conjunctions often communicate multiple interclausal relationships in a constrained set of polysemy patterns (e.g., time and cause, place and condition, or comparison, time, and condition, to name but a few). This raises several questions: How are these different meanings conceptually related to each other? What processes led to the proliferation of meanings for a single form? And how may these meanings be diachronically ordered in a form’s developmental history? This study approaches these questions regarding adverbial conjunctions in Biblical Hebrew with the following methodology: (1) construct a usage profile of the form (s) in question; (2) heuristically employ diachronic semantic maps to generate hypotheses about the conceptual and diachronic organisation of uses; (3) test these hypotheses by examining corpus data for plausible bridging contexts; (4) compare these results to comparative data where available. This method yields plausible reconstructions of a form’s diachronic development, even when only synchronic data are available.

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