Comparative Effectiveness of an Informed Choice and Fear Appeal on Colorectal Cancer Screening Program Invitation. A Randomized Controlled Trial

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G. Broc et al., « Comparative Effectiveness of an Informed Choice and Fear Appeal on Colorectal Cancer Screening Program Invitation. A Randomized Controlled Trial », Revue internationale de psychologie sociale, ID : 10670/1.5zr66c


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The participation to colorectal cancer screening program determines the efficiency and costeffectiveness of the program. However, participation rates do not reach the expectations and decrease continuously. The goal of the present research was to test the efficiency of different communication strategies used to encourage eligible targets to colorectal cancer screening. The present study is a randomized controlled study conducted on 50 to 52 years old individuals. Two communications strategies were compared. The first was based on informed choice and exposed the pros and cons of screening. The second was based on the fear appeals. Three letters (informed choice, fear appeal and control letters) were conceived and sent to 8660 individuals who were eligible to a first time screening test. A phone interview was conducted with 40 individuals who did not receive screening, in order to measure their attitudes concerning the mail. Results indicated, first, that 25,90 % of the subjects had read the mail inviting them to the screening test, and 13.70 % were really screened. The three letters generated the same detection rate. However, the informed choice improved the quality of the information about the risks of the screening and aroused a bigger concern to be detected that the other mails. Results are discussed in light of the psychological models of prevention in term of health behaviors. The relevance of campaigns based on direct mailing is discussed in reference to the recent works in marketing.

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