Design and business strategies: An initial study to model the dynamics of involvement in a research project

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Estelle Berger et al., « Design and business strategies: An initial study to model the dynamics of involvement in a research project », Sciences du Design, ID : 10670/1.60q56f


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In a hyper-competitive context, anticipating market and society developments not only requires acting fast, but thinking differently. Analyzing systems and procedures from a human perspective, we find that design is relevant when it comes to enabling companies to become more attractive, competitive, and to have more meaning. The creation of the joint research laboratory Exalt Design Lab in June 2017 represents an ideal context for studying the integration of design as a strategic element in organizations. Based on a multi-case study conducted with five industrial partners involved in this research project, we propose a qualitative analysis of the factors that prompted these companies to become part of Exalt. Following an abductive approach, we will put into perspective key moments, as well as internal and external motivational factors, in order to interpret the dynamics of their involvement. Finally, we use two concepts to highlight the collective dimension of the transformation process: the existence of a peer learning community, and the role of “boundary spanners.” This first study is part of Exalt Design Lab’s research program, and it will be extended over the next three years to have a larger perspective on the variables analyzed in this research.

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