Scale of Harmonic Development. A Validation Study

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Anales de Psicología

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Francisco J. Abellán et al., « Scale of Harmonic Development. A Validation Study », Anales de Psicología, ID : 10670/1.6dhqz0


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"This paper gathers firstly, the study of psychometric validation of the Scale of Harmonic Development (SHD) (Abellán, 2011). 218 children between the ages of 0 - 12 years were par ticipated in the study. The explora- tory factorial analysis showed the one - dimensional nature of the scale as a whole and all its subscales; as well as the internal consistency of the meas- urements and the adequacy of the items, revealing the scale’s usefuln ess as a screening test for prevention of children’s development. Secondly, a first approach to the scale’s validation process is presented in this dissertation, for which another 67 six - year - old children were evaluated. The concurrent validation with the scales IDB ( Fundació Catalana per a la Síndrome de Down , 1998) and BLOC Screening (Puyuelo, Renom, Selanas & Wiig, 2002) con- ducted through analysis of correlations provided contradictory data that will be contrasted in future studies with a broader sample."

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