A fragilidade/resistência da vida humana em comunidades rurais do Pantanal Mato-Grossense (MT, Brasil)

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Marta Gislene Pignatti et al., « A fragilidade/resistência da vida humana em comunidades rurais do Pantanal Mato-Grossense (MT, Brasil) », Ciência & Saúde Coletiva, ID : 10670/1.6nbmqd


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"The human life fragility/resistance taken in the ambiguous/complexity sense suggests an eye to the dynamics of life of specific groups. The study of the community around the Private Reserve of Natural Patrimony of the Social Service Commerce (RPPN Sesc) Pantanal, situated in Joselândia rural district, municipality of Barão de Melgaço - Mato Grosso state - Brasil, 2003 at 2005, used qualitative methods to apprehend the lifestyle of this population, articulating the explanation of the health-ill process with historical, economic and social aspects of the respectivecommunity and the singularity of the cure practices that happened on site. It was used historical records, testimonials of residents, population survey, interviews and observations. The results indicate changes in the solidarity bonds among residents at work and at food production. Popular cure practices are frequently used to reduce symptoms and diseases. The fragility/resistance of this specific group is observed while resistance based in solidarity and familiar relations and the fragility in the difficulty of access of work, health services and public equipments."

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