Enhancing pedagogy for teaching visual arts in the South African Foundation Phase classroom: A collaborative endeavor

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1 janvier 2023

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Mari de Kock et al., « Enhancing pedagogy for teaching visual arts in the South African Foundation Phase classroom: A collaborative endeavor », Journal of Education (University of KwaZulu-Natal), ID : 10670/1.6peemy


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In this article, we report on the pedagogy of a cohort of South African Foundation Phase teachers in the praxis of visual arts. We used participatory action learning and action research (PALAR) as paradigm and methodology and data was generated collaboratively through arts-based strategies such as photovoice, visual journaling, and reflexive group conversations. We analysed the data using an inductive analysis approach. The data indicated a set of extrinsic and intrinsic barriers experienced by the participants in the praxis and pedagogy of visual arts in a South African context. We provide recommendations for Foundation Phase teachers, school management teams, and governmental Departments of Education. This study contributes to the field of arts education by highlighting the plight of generalist teachers having to teach visual arts without sufficient training or support. We create opportunities for arts educators to contribute to the experiences of these teachers.

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