Comparison of two dietary markers in the determination of amino acid digestibility in some foodstuffs for growing broiler chickens

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Genaro Monforte-Braga et al., « Comparison of two dietary markers in the determination of amino acid digestibility in some foodstuffs for growing broiler chickens », Interciencia, ID : 10670/1.7drzcx


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"The apparent ileal amino acid digestibility in maize, sorghum,soybean meal, maize gluten, fishmeal, meat and bone meal andwheat bran for growing broiler chickens were determined, usingtitanium dioxide (TiO2) and chromium oxide (Cr2O3) as dietarymarkers. Twelve chickens were tube-fed 30g of each ingredient,containing one of the two dietary markers, in two occasions,using the forced feeding technique. Analyses of variance wereperformed on the data obtained to examine the effects of ingredientsand markers. As expected, there were significant differencesin amino acid digestibility between ingredients, ranging from0.53 for cysteine in meat and bone meal to 0.97 for tyrosine insoybean meal. For all ingredients, the aminoacid digestibilitycoefficients calculated on the basis of the titanium marker werehigher (P0.05). The aminoacid digestibility coeffi-cients showed less variation when TiO2 was used as the dietarymarker. It is concluded that TiO2 is a more suitable dietary markerthan Cr2O3, being less variable and obtaining higher digestibility,which indicates a greater recovery."

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