The Job Demands-Resources model: challenges for future research

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1 janvier 2011

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Evangelia Demerouti et al., « The Job Demands-Resources model: challenges for future research », SA Journal of Industrial Psychology, ID : 10670/1.7hcgaz


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MOTIVATION: The motivation of this overview is to present the state of the art of Job Demands-Resources (JD-R) model whilst integrating the various contributions to the special issue. RESEARCH PURPOSE: To provide an overview of the JD-R model, which incorporates many possible working conditions and focuses on both negative and positive indicators of employee well-being. Moreover, the studies of the special issue were introduced. RESEARCH DESIGN: Qualitative and quantitative studies on the JD-R model were reviewed to enlighten the health and motivational processes suggested by the model. MAIN FINDINGS: Next to the confirmation of the two suggested processes of the JD-R model, the studies of the special issue showed that the model can be used to predict work-place bullying, incidences of upper respiratory track infection, work-based identity, and early retirement intentions. Moreover, whilst psychological safety climate could be considered as a hypothetical precursor of job demands and resources, compassion satisfaction moderated the health process of the model. CONTRIBUTION/VALUE-ADD: The findings of previous studies and the studies of the special issue were integrated in the JD-R model that can be used to predict well-being and performance at work. New avenues for future research were suggested. PRACTICAL/MANAGERIAL IMPLICATIONS: The JD-R model is a framework that can be used for organisations to improve employee health and motivation, whilst simultaneously improving various organisational outcomes.

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