La participation des membres des communautés culturelles à la vie publique québécoise

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Paul Simard, « La participation des membres des communautés culturelles à la vie publique québécoise », Revue française d'administration publique (documents), ID : 10670/1.7nuwj9


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Ethnic Community Involvement in the Political Life of Quebec. In application of the Couture-Cullen Agreement, Quebec will determine its own immigration policy and receive 29 000 persons of widely divergent backgrounds in 1989. Immigrants constitute 16% population and 90% live in the Montreal metropolitan area. Ethnic communities participate in community affairs through some 50 ethnic or cross-cultural associations and in advisory bodies such as the Immigration and Ethnic Communities Council. Ethnie community members with Canadian citizenship vote in elections. Although poorly represented in Quebec institutions, ethnic communities are concentrating on the civil service to obtain employment quotas that reflect their population size. Quebec is a multi-ethnic society of non-stop that has to rely on ethnic communities from every horizon for her future.

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