What is the Educational Task? Arousing the Desire for Wanting to Exist in the World in a Grown-up Way

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1 juin 2019

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Gert Biesta, « What is the Educational Task? Arousing the Desire for Wanting to Exist in the World in a Grown-up Way », Pedagogía y Saberes, ID : 10670/1.8meifu


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Discussions about education often focus on the purposes that should be achieved or the outcomes that should be produced. In this paper I approach the question of the purpose of education differently, by asking what the work of teachers and other educators should focus. The answer I propose is that this work is about arousing the desire in children and young people for wanting to exist in the world in what I refer to as a "grown-up" way. I explain my use of the idea of "grown-up-ness," where I argue that we should not think of this as the outcome of a developmental trajectory but as a way in which human beings can try to exist in and with the world. This suggests, as I explain, that central to the work of education is the interruption of ways in which children and young people are entirely self-centred and self-focused, thus turning them towards the world in which their existence as grown-up subjects can only take place. Education that is focused on this has a task to provide time, space and curricular forms through which children and young people can work "on" their grown-up-ness. And education needs to provide sustenance so that children and young people can be supported and nourished in their task of trying to exist in a grown-up way.

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