Ecrire la frontière au féminin: Etude de la nouvelle "El reflejo de la luna" de Rosario San Miguel





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Laurent Aubague, « Ecrire la frontière au féminin: Etude de la nouvelle "El reflejo de la luna" de Rosario San Miguel », HALSHS : archive ouverte en Sciences de l’Homme et de la Société, ID : 10670/1.99c640...


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Nicole Campillo is a Mexican by birth barrister who lives and works in the North-American town of El Paso. She was the daugther of migrant workers and, during her childhood years, she helped her mother to get the cotton crops in. At the time of the story, she has undertaken to defend the case of a young Mazahua who has been a victim of sexual harassment from the son of a North-American family with whom Nicole's husband has business relationship. The story is significant for a double reason : the recourse to fiction is used in order to tackle the social problems of the frontier and, at the same time, to show how the very same frontier operates as a dividing line in personal constructs.

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