Jerome Rothenberg : mises en forme de la mémoire

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12 septembre 2018


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Hélène Aji, « Jerome Rothenberg : mises en forme de la mémoire », Presses Sorbonne Nouvelle, ID : 10670/1.9hhm5e


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Jerome Rothenberg’s work can be read as a permanent assessment of memory’s activity and a questioning of the issues of defamiliarization and depersonalization. Resting on the concept of «othering» understood as simultaneously making other and becoming other, his work as an anthologizer, as a translator and, above all, as a poet offers both a practice and a theory for a past informing and, conversely, informed by the present. With his anthologies, conceived of as manifestoes and as collages, he composes the memory for his poems; with his translations, he turns the inscription of other poets’ poems into the individual text through citation and appropriation into paradoxical homage; with his use of gematria, the interpretive procedures of Jewish Kabala become the means for a staging of the tension between remembering and forgetting. This paper shows how Jerome Rothenberg’s work as a whole can be seen a gesture of remembrance, «gathering the members of Osiris» (Pound) in creative recomposition.

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