September 1, 2020
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Anne Riegler, « Jeu et théorie du duende de Federico García Lorca : l'incarnation d'un « style vivant » », Déméter. Théories et pratiques artistiques contemporaines, ID : 10.54563/demeter.110
The purpose of this paper is to question the literary and/or aesthetic category under which it is necessary to arrange the work of Federico García Lorca Jeu et théorie du duende. This text, written and delivered between 1930 and 1934 in Latin America, is generally considered a lecture. Indeed, Lorca presents himself his text as didactic: officially, the latter exposes a “simple lesson” on Spanish identity. There are, however, good reasons to think that we are not dealing here with a traditional lecture. This one is anti-academic because of its poetic turn and seems to be able to produce an aesthetic emotion as would an artistic performance. So we can think that it is a “lecture-performance”. The unofficial challenge of the text is to defend a theory/practice that true knowledge is none other than the one that is performed by the body, par excellence that of Lorca.