Improving learning from animated soccer scenes: Evidence for the expertise reversal effect

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juin 2014

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Aïmen Khacharem et al., « Improving learning from animated soccer scenes: Evidence for the expertise reversal effect », HALSHS : archive ouverte en Sciences de l’Homme et de la Société, ID : 10.1016/j.chb.2014.03.021


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In two experiments, we investigated how animation of play (soccer) should be designed in order to avoid the high cognitive load due to the fleeting nature of information. Using static pictures and altering the animation’s presentation speed have been proposed as instructional strategies to reduce learners’ cognitive load. In the first experiment, we tested the effect of static vs. animated presentations on learning. The results indicated that novices benefited more from the static presentation whereas experts benefited more from the animated presentation. The second experiment investigated the effect of low vs. normal vs. high levels of presentation speed on learning. The results showed that novices profited more from the low presentation speed while experts profited more from the normal and high presentation speeds. Thus both experiments demonstrated the occurrences of the expertise reversal effect. Findings suggest that the effectiveness of instructional strategies depends on levels of soccer players’ expertise.

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