Capucine Huet, « Apprendre à argumenter : un enjeu didactique inclusif », La nouvelle revue - Éducation et société inclusives, ID : 10670/1.akuzw5
This article proposes to invest the field of argumentation, from a clinical and didactic point of view, as a space with high potential for mediation towards knowledge and towards others. This study is based on an experiment centered around teaching and learning argumentation, via computer-mediated debates on Socio-Scientific Issues (SSI), with teenagers with behavior disorders. A case study is proposed here, that of Theo, who took part in the experiment for two years. The aim is to explore and identify the conditions which enabled Theo to engage progressively and in a singular way in argued exchanges with his peers relating to the knowledge at stake. Our analysis will relate both to the argumentative productions of Theo and on the interactions in which he takes part during the elaboration of his arguments.