Daniel Guillaume, « Critique et profondeur : D'un penchant pour Jean-Pierre Richard », Littérature, ID : 10670/1.c7acf0...
Criticism and depthThis article mixes personal memories and more theoretical reflections, and starts by locating Jean-Pierre Richard in a personal and familial trajectory. Poésie et Profondeur, Littérature et Sensation, enabled the young man to discover literary criticism just as, a young student fresh out of a scientific track, he was searching for an alliance between creative imagination and the rigours of rationality. The article then tries to define, in particular through a reading of Pêle-mêle, the modus operandi of a critic committed to what one can call, in this era of virtual text, its materiality per se. The nuances of such a style make light of any closed theoretical reference, and privilege what ends up looking very much like an ethics of reading and writing.