November 27, 2018
HALSHS : archive ouverte en Sciences de l’Homme et de la Société - notices sans texte intégral
Marion Lauwers, « A three essay dissertation on IS use during the post-adoption stage : a focus on the long-term health care sector », HALSHS : archive ouverte en Sciences de l’Homme et de la Société - notices sans texte intégral, ID : 10670/1.d61569...
Developing Health Information Systems (HIS) effective use becomes an imperative for the long-term health care sector, which is facing quality and productivity concerns, in a context under pressure, linked to European population ageing. Despite growing interest for the Information Systems’ (IS) post-adoption stage, this one stills largely unexplored compared to the implementation and adoption stages. Tackling this issue, this dissertation focuses on IS exploitative and exploratory uses in the healthcare sector, two kind of uses considered as key to reach benefits from IS and increase performance in the post-adoption stage. A first essay defines and conceptualizes our understanding of exploitative and exploratory uses, their antecedents and outcomes on users’ performance. Following essays analyze the dynamics behind these two use behaviors in the long term health care sector, as well as the role of the environment, and of the stress related to the technology, on these former. Results highlight the importance of studying exploitative and exploratory uses together. Thus, our findings show the way in which users switch between these two use behaviors as well as the way in which constraints related to the environment tend to lock users in exploitative use. Nevertheless, these findings also unveil solutions to get out of this exploitation trap. Finally, they highlight the ambivalent role of the system itself, and more specifically of the stress related to the technology on HIS exploitative and exploratory uses.Accéder sur intranet